A new dad walked into our center last week. His daughter was born a little early, and he needed a car seat. The baby’s mother had been attending classes and saving up points to get a new one, but since the baby came early, she didn’t quite have enough.

Just as Rosemary, our Pregnancy Center Coordinator, was about to give dad the car seat despite a credit shortage, another client stepped in. She had been talking with Rosemary when the dad walked in and overheard the story. “Just use my points,” she offered.

When Rosemary told her she would just use enough to cover the shortage, the client insisted, “Do it all on my account.”


After the new father thanked her and left to take the car seat back to the hospital, the client reminded Rosemary that another client had done the same thing for her a year ago when she needed a high-chair, and she had never forgotten it. Though she hadn’t met this new mother, she wanted to pay the kindness forward.

The car seat cost was 40 points, which equates to four one hour classes. Since most moms come to one class per week, this was a month’s worth of points the client had been saving up. Our point system is not a strict one, but it gives parents an incentive to come receive instruction and support while earning the things they need for their family. The client’s gift required a sacrifice.

This might not be the type of story you expect to hear from a Pregnancy Resource Center, but our classes are about so much more than healthy pregnancies and caring for a newborn. New moms and dads are taking part in community, building friendships, looking beyond their difficult circumstances to support one another.

This Mother’s Day, we are celebrating the selflessness that moms display, not only for their children, but also for each other!

The community we create at Grace House Pregnancy Center is possible only because of the faithful support of many churches, businesses, and individuals. Will you become a monthly partner and ensure our free services continue changing lives? Join us in promoting hope and life!

© 2022 Grace House Ministries | Site By Ardent Creative
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